He is the leader, the charmer, the witty one, the guy who gets all the attention, whether he craves it or not. He is the alpha male, and given here are a few commonly observed traits of his.
The alpha male is a term that is generally used to describe a male that seems dominant in his social circles, seems to possess an unending appeal towards women, and displays general leadership characteristics and traits. This term has been derived from ‘alpha dog’, used to pinpoint the leader of a pack of wolves or dogs. There are many traits that can help you distinguish between an alpha and beta male.
Everyone knows who these guys are. Their traits are so unique and recognizable, that almost everyone can instantly think of the alpha males around them. These guys seem to have it all; Money, women, success, leadership qualities and ease of mind. How they can manage to get everything so easily is something that can leave you quite baffled. But don’t worry, because there are many characteristics that can help you to become an alpha male as well.
Here is a list of their characteristics that can help you identify alpha males at once, and also maybe help you develop some of these traits yourself.
Personality Traits
Talking Deliberately
It is commonly observed that if one is speaking to someone in a position higher than themselves, they tend to speak fast in order to maintain their attention and interest. The most obvious of all traits of alpha males is that they talk slowly. They know that no matter what they say, they will be listened to, and thus do not feel the need to rush through their words.
Acknowledging Others
The best alpha male trait is that he knows how to appreciate and acknowledge other people. If you have done your job well, he will appreciate it. If you tell a funny joke, he will laugh along with you. If you share your opinions with him, he will give you words of advice. He will always be open to ideas and suggestions from others and will not dismiss them without sincerely considering them.
At the same time, it seems to be one of the most widely noticed traits that they are just not interested. In spite of taking a keen interest in what you may have to say, they seem to be aloof and transient at all times. Their body language seems to suggest that they are always immersed in their own thoughts, and this even makes them seem self-centered. But the fact of the matter is that they are paying attention, in spite of seeming extremely aloof.
Attracts Women
There’s just something about them that appeals to women of all ages. They have this irresistible charm that just oozes out of them and sweeps all the ladies off their feet. There’s no one singular characteristic of theirs that has this effect on the fairer sex, rather the combination of all the traits which makes them so appealing.
Psychological Traits
The biggest asset to possess, no matter where you are, is self-confidence. Believing in yourself, no matter what, is one of the traits that truly stands out. There is a fine line between self-belief and arrogance, and the alpha male is well-aware of these boundaries and knows how to handle it. He will appear supremely composed, and will leave you amazed at his level of confidence.
No Explanations
He will not look to anybody for approval. He will follow his instincts, and not feel like he owes anybody an explanation. There is no urge within him to justify and validate his actions and words to anybody. The most obvious of all the alpha male characteristics is that he is comfortable in his own skin and does not look and hope for anyone else’s approval.
Competing With Other Alpha Males
The most glaring thing that you will notice when you see two alpha males interacting with each other, is the battle for supremacy. Each one will try to get one over the other, and as a result they will both be constantly competing or arguing. If you wish to become an alpha male you need to learn to recognize potential threats, and then show your superiority.
Feeling Threatened
Since there is a constant tussle between alpha males for supremacy, they tend to get insecure and threatened by the activities of other males. They always feel like the other alpha male is undermining their superiority and authority. This is one trait that is not seen in every alpha male, but only in the ones that are slightly insecure about their position.
These traits can help you spot an alpha male when you see one. If you are aiming to be considered as one, these are the traits that you may want to adopt in order to make everyone else sit up and take notice.