The complex body language of men in love can be decoded with these simple tips. Get to know what those facial cues, postures, and gestures mean in this Buzzle write-up.
He has the drop dead gorgeous looks of Robert Pattinson, is charming, tall and has the most impeccable manners. Well, to cut a long story short the guy you met at the party seems to be just the perfect guy for you.
The only drawback (there has to be one with us being human and all) is that he is so “mindbogglingly” difficult to read. Of course, we have all heard of the legends where men would go down on their knees, beg, cajole and sometimes even bribe to have their lady-love.
That is of course a load of crap. If men were so easy to read and so open with all the emotional stuff, no woman would spend half of her days picking out petals of flowers wondering if “he loves me or loves me not“. However, all you girls in love or hoping to be, do not be disheartened just yet. Understanding men and their levels of interest in you can be easy if you could just decipher their body language.
How You Can Read Body Language of Men Around You
Is he leaning towards you?
If his upper body i.e his chest and shoulders are facing you even though he may be looking somewhere else, it is an indication that you are the one thing that is pulling his attention. Leaning towards a person or facing them while talking indicates interest in that person and his or her activities.
Stroking his face
Wow, this one is a certain rarity, but a guy stroking his face is not just trying to flirt with you and impress you, but, is actually LISTENING to you. Regardless to say, he is a keeper.
Facial cues
In addition to the postures and activities, there are certain facial cues which show that the guy is interested in you. The indications can be in the form of slight parting of lips, flaring nostrils and wide, relaxed eyes.
Raking his fingers through his hair
This may sound a little weird but remember how the birds fluff up and smooth their feathers to look good for their mate. Well, the body language signal of “running hands through hair” is quite similar to the preening in birds. So the next time you find him leaning towards you and running his hands through his hair, you know what he is thinking! Sometimes he may try to smoothen a lapel or stroke the tie in an effort to look good for you.
When he lifts his eyebrows
Lifting the brows may indicate surprise, skepticism, happiness and so much more. However, the thing to watch out for in this case is an eyebrow flash which is actually a quick lifting and lowering of the brows. This light quick cue is a sure indication that the guy finds you quite interesting. However, if you find it constantly raised while you are talking then this quizzical expression is an indication that he is completely fascinated by you or just thinks you are nuts.
The devilish smile
Well, when it comes to guys a simple smile can speak more than words. While a tight-lipped smile might be an indication of a polite interest with no inclination towards romance, a coy, close mouthed grin indicates a shy man who is definitely interested but is just not ready to pour out his emotions. Watch out for the sneer like grin though. It is just an indication of a guy who wants a casual no-strings affair. As for the devilish smile from either side of a closed mouth. Well, girl you might just want to handout the guy a challenge, so play hard to get and you might just hook him.
Stands with his legs apart
This is an alpha male sign indicating that the guy has the hots for you. It is actually a primal instinct that guys are not even aware of most of the time.
Kisses your forehead
When you are in a committed relationship, a kiss on the forehead indicates love and care. In fact this sign is a parental gesture of care and can also indicate a “just friend” relationship. However, all those single girls who got kissed on the forehead, don’t look resigned and sad, for all you know the guy could be head over heels in love but might have just chickened out from planting a kiss on your lips.
Understanding the male body language and especially of those in love can not only help you gain valuable insights into what he is thinking, but also help you decode the mixed signals that men may be giving out.