Doesn’t it feel amazing to receive a text in the middle of the day from your boyfriend, telling you that he loves and misses you? Wouldn’t it just be perfect if you were the one who made his day by sending him such a text? Here are some cute things that you can say to your boyfriend that will definitely make him smile.
You love him. You miss him when he’s not around. All you want is for him to be with you all the time. Well, since that might not always be possible, given everyone’s hectic schedule and lives, there are always cute texts that you can send to your boyfriend to make him realize that even though he’s not with you in person, you’re thinking about him.
These messages are a good way of keeping in touch. A dull day always can always have its interesting moments with these messages. They also keep the flame of romance burning till you see each other the next time. Listed below are some such messages. Take your pick.
– Good morning sunshine! Just wanted to say that you give me the most beautiful mornings ever. I love you!
– I love the way you make me happy, and the ways you show you care. I love the way you say, ‘I Love You,’ and the way you’re always there.
– Another month, another year, another smile, another tear, another winter, another summer too, never want to spend any of them without you.
– It’s all your fault. You’re the one with that adorable sheepish grin and the crazy antics, with that big heart and unflinching loyalty. I couldn’t help but fall in love with you.
– Just texting to say I love you and hope you have a wonderful day! xoxo
– When you came into my life I realized why it never worked out with any of the others.
– You’re my favorite work of art. 😉
– Life makes sense only when I see you at the end of the day.
– I say ‘I love you’ not because I don’t have anything else to say or to fill a silence or to have you say it back to me. I say it just so you know that you’re the single-most wonderful person that has ever come into my life.
– When we’re together, we’re more awesome than the entire awesomeness in the world, combined!
– I love you more with every passing day. Well, ummm, except yesterday ‘cos you were being impossible. But otherwise, yeah. I do!
– You’re my most favorite, wanna-make-coffee-for-in-the-morning, wanna-watch-crappy-movies-with, wanna-have-a-pillow-fight-with, wanna-make-a-home-with, person in the whole wide world!
– I don’t know what I did to deserve you. I mean, there are 6,973,738,433 people in the world, and you picked ME! 🙂
– This morning I was sad. Then I got a text from you. Now I’m happy. It was that simple! I don’t think you realize how easily you make my sadness go away.
– When I first met you, I had no idea that you’d be the one I’d want to kiss goodnight, the one I’d want to have late, lazy breakfasts with, the one I’d want to annoy and irritate the hell out of, the one I’d want to make mine forever.
– Wanna know why I love you? I’m crazy. I argue and fight and cuss. I create drama out of every tiny thing that goes wrong in my life. You on the other hand are patient. You reason and respect and pacify. Plus, you hold me when I cry. I rest my case.
– You’re the PB to my J and the cream to my coffee. You’re the Calvin to my Hobbes and the cheese to my macaroni.
– I guess you should call and cancel all appointments for today. ‘Cos I can’t seem to get you out of my head.
– The moment I step out of the house I wanna come back running and hug you like a bear and kiss you like a goldfish!
If you think these didn’t help you say exactly what’s on your mind and in your heart, then remember: one of the nicest things you can say to your boyfriend is ‘thanks’ for the immense love and joy that he has brought to your life. Once you begin to think about all the things about him that you’re thankful for, you’re sure to have a lot of messages to send him.