A lot of girls would just love it if they had the answer to this question, on a platter. Does he like me? Well, maybe he does. But just to be sure, check out this fairly accurate ‘does he like me quiz’.
The problem is that the shy sort of guys find it really hard to approach girls they like. I should know, I was one of them! So trust me, all these questions in this quiz, are framed on those typical signs that a shy guy would show if he likes you. And there are those among you who do like shy men.
Well of course, the signs vary from person to person, but this can’t be too different from those given here! Hence, I feel the results of this test will be fairly accurate to know if that guy really likes you.
Since this is supposed to be a test, let’s make it more exciting by listing out a few questions which I feel should cover the entire extent of his liking. Answer truthfully.
Now, cross check your answers again! If more than half the answers are ‘yes’, then he surely likes you. If less than half the answers are ‘yes’, then maybe he likes you, but most probably he’s inadvertently giving you the wrong signals.
I’ve realized that girls are a lot more instinctive with these things than guys are. Guys can never tell if a girl likes them. Perhaps girls are more subtle with the whole thing! But if a guy likes you, quiz or no quiz, trust me, deep down you know he does!