How to prove you love someone, especially if that someone is very stubborn, and you are unaware of the right ways? Get to know the best methods in this article.
There is no perfect definition of love, and it is a mysterious emotion as far as a couple is concerned. It’s amazing to witness the bond between the two individuals grow. The person just becomes your life! For people who have experienced it, it is the best feeling in the world. Love means different things to different people; for some it is physical attraction, while for others it is more than just that. And this feeling of “more than” is real love, which I feel cannot be expressed in words. I know that our topic of discussion here is not love, it’s about proving love.
Love needs to be proved when the simple “I love you” doesn’t work. Some people are just plain unlucky in love and no matter how hard they try, the other person is just not impressed. Love generally just happens and you don’t need to prove it, except when sometimes the other person is stubborn to accept your love. I am here to help you out if you are genuinely in love with someone, and even the other concerned person should reciprocate the feelings (even though you are not sure, you must at least have a hint that he/she loves you). Now, as I don’t know if you are a guy or a girl, my task becomes even more difficult. Let’s look at different ways of proving your love.
If You Are a Guy
You don’t need to jump off from some tall building or do something extraordinary to prove your love. First check why love needs to be proved. It has to be proved if the girl you love is not confident and sure about you. So, you need to do something really genuine to make her see that you truly love her. It’s true that girls love gifts and flowers, but this it not the only thing they expect from their partners. It is a fact that girls are more emotional than boys, and they also look for the “emotional connect” in relationships. Girls love it when you care for them. Ask her how her day was and make it a point to call her at least once a day. Regular text messages will also work to remind her of you. Make sure that you are always there when she needs you. Apart from her, you should care for her family and friends too. Also, just let her be herself and don’t force her do things she hates. For example, if she is a movie lover, plan a favorite movie for her that day instead of making her go with you to a rock concert. Moreover, you should try to take keen interest in the activities she loves. Shower her with genuine compliments. Be an active participant in her life progress, and remember that there is no other method to win over a girl than being loyal to her. You need to be very patient in your approach, and if she is not reciprocating your feelings, don’t feel that you are a loser. You have done so much to prove your love for her, so she will realize it with time. Also remember that you should not sound or seem too desperate, as girls hate desperate boys.
If You Are a Girl
The best way to prove that you love someone is by caring for them. Boys, though most of them deny it, love being cared for. They also have an emotional aspect. Talk to your guy, ask him about his family and friends, and your caring nature will definitely make him want you. Men need their own space when they are angry or sad, so just give him his space. Proving your love depends on what kind of a relationship you share. Be yourself and try giving him his independence. Let him know that you are his perfect partner. Girls tend to be possessive about their boyfriends, but this is wrong. You need to trust him if you love him. Accept him with all his drawbacks, just don’t compare him with any of your other friends. He will hate the comparison and eventually hate you too. Discuss with him all his problems and make sure he knows that you are always around for him. A hug or a peck on the cheek is necessary to keep the romance alive, but make sure that in proving your love for him, you don’t lose your own identity.
Simple Things to Do
- Be true and honest in your talk and convince your love that you are always there.
- Plan something out of the box for your partner. How about going ice skating or river crossing?
- Tell him/her something about their peculiar cute habits which others around may not have noticed, but you have.
- Watch the sunrise together, and plan something special with it. How about proposing her/him, out of the blue?
- Plan a treasure hunt for your love, the clues can be your secrets (don’t forget to write “I love you” on each note), and the treasure being what you want to gift him/her.
- Gift your partner something personalized, like a collection of their favorite songs.
- Walk holding hands together in the moonlight, and talk about your childhood and dreams.
- If he/she is a radio-listener, express your love on his/her favorite channel. This will definitely make your love feel special. This will especially help if you are in a long-distance relationship.
- Last but not least, to keep the magic alive, you need to spend some time together.
To express or prove your love, you don’t need to do something out of this world. If love is there, it will just be accepted. Even after doing so much if the person doesn’t approve of you, just back off from the relationship. Love is not about proving yourself all the time, it’s about trust and creating wonderful memories.