Every lasting and healthy relationship needs patience and effort by the partners involved in it. To achieve the same, there are a few relationship building games for couples that are surely going to prove of some help. Some of them are mentioned in the article below and you might just find them useful to help build your relationship. Read on…
Have you ever wondered how a few games can actually help strengthen a relationship that can usually take a lot more time and effort to build on its own? Amazing, isn’t it? We all know how important it is to build a relationship the right way and nurture it properly, so that this phase of growing makes us happy with every passing moment. Honestly, when I first heard of these games, it took me by surprise. I mean, we all hear of those fun party games for couples, and games for couples to know each other, but to actually help build a relationship? This was certainly something new. However, I’m glad I came across them, as today, I can firmly say that they do help. These games, however casual they may seem, help you in knowing a lot of things about each other that you did not know before. The number of things you both will find out about each other will amuse you, and will only help deepen your love for each other and build a healthy relationship. Having said that, let’s go and check out some of them!
Interesting Relationship Building Games for Couples
This is a small quiz that you both need to arrange and take yourselves. Since you both are in a relationship, you must be knowing a lot about each other. Specially each others favorite colors, songs, movies, cuisines and say destinations. You both have to quiz each other on these topics and see who gets the maximum points. This will help both of you in knowing more about each other, and also how much there is yet to be known.
Enhancing Communication
Every month both of you have to write a letter to each other and that has to be a pre-decided number of pages long. I’m sure the girls are going to love this, but trust me, it isn’t easy when you have to do it every single month. This will help in, first, increasing the quality of conversation between the both of you and secondly, will also let out a lot of things that are unsaid. When you write about anything, your true feelings about that particular thing come out. Similarly, this relationship building game will help you understand what you both actually feel for each other.
Fulfilling a Wish
One of the best relationship building games for couples, this also helps when it comes to doing something to make each other happy. Write down 20 wishes each and put them in a box. Both of you need to write on two separate colors of paper, one for each. Once every month, each one of you has to fulfill one wish of the other person. This will help in adding to the surprise element in the relationship and doing something to make one another happy is always a good thing, isn’t it?! The wishes can be something as simple as cooking a meal, to going on a small holiday somewhere.
Free Tickets
All of us have a few things we want to do but our relationships don’t allow us to do so, and we willingly agree about it. There is nothing bad in it, as every relationship has certain boundaries that need to be followed. However, as one of the relationship games for couples, what you can do is let each other do something they want to but the relationship doesn’t usually allow them to. For example, you can buy your guy tickets to his favorite game along with friends, and similarly if you’re a guy, you can gift your girl an entire makeover! I’m not saying the relationship doesn’t allow you to do these things but somehow these take a backseat for sometime once you’re in a relationship.
Now that you know these relationship building games for couples, how about trying some of them sometime soon? You can also try all of them if you have the enthusiasm it takes. If nothing else, playing these games will help you to spend quality time with each other. These games help you in knowing things about each other you didn’t know before, in saying things that were unsaid for so long, and in finding out what makes the other person happy. Great, aren’t they?!