Want to express your true feelings with the help of some romantic Spanish phrases? Take a look at some phrases that might come in handy for the future.
…A rose by any other name would smell as sweet… ~ William Shakespeare
Don’t you agree with Shakespeare on this? I know, I do. I’ve always been a fan of this quote of Shakespeare. I don’t know why, but I feel that with few words, he could make sense of so much. Around the world, people fall in and out of love. And to describe this love, we use the language(s) we are familiar with. Now, if some people don’t know a particular language, that doesn’t mean he/she is not a romantic person. In order to be romantic, you don’t have to learn a new language. With the help of few phrases and key words, you can definitely turn the charm on. When I think of romance, nothing makes my heart flutter more than hearing some romantic Spanish phrases. Considered as one of the most exotic languages in the world, Spanish is full of life and vibrancy.
The reason for that can be because the language has something to do with its Latin origins. Which is why, people across the world have a fascination with this language and want to learn how to speak it. If not all the words, sentences, or phrases to the core, but at least some romantic Spanish words to charm their sweethearts. Now I have given it a try once or twice, and let me just say, it isn’t that difficult. You just have to be dedicated enough and work hard at it. And who knows, in a short time, you too can speak Spanish with ease. So if you wish to add some spice in your love life or jump start it, for that matter, here’s a list of most romantic Spanish words that will help sparks fly.
Most Romantic Words/Phrases
Perhaps you’ve started to learn how to speak Spanish, or maybe you just wish to know what are some of the romantic words or sentences. The following list will show you how easy it is to learn, understand, and speak beautiful phrases for that special someone.
Phrases in English | Spanish Translation |
A hug | Un abrazo |
A kiss | Un beso |
A smile of yours makes me immensely happy | Una sonrisa tuya me hace inmensamente feliz |
A very handsome/hot boy | Papacito rico |
A very pretty/hot girl | Mamacita rica |
Beautiful | Bella |
Give me a kiss | Dar mi un beso |
Hug me | Abrázame |
I adore you | Te adoro |
I always think of you | Pienso en ti siempre |
I am attracted to you | Me gustes |
I am crazy about you | Estoy loco por ti |
I am going to miss you | Te voy a echar de menos |
I can only think of you | Sólo puedo pensar en ti |
I can’t live without you | No puedo vivir sin ti |
I can’t wait to see you | No puedo esperar a verte |
I desire you | Te deseo |
I like you (attracted) | Me gustes a mi |
I love to know that you’re with me | Me encanta saber que estás conmigo |
I love you | Te amo |
I love you from the bottom of my heart | Te amo desde el fondo de mi corazón |
I love you with all my soul | Te quiero con toda mi alma |
I love your softness | Tu ternura me encanta |
I loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you | Te ame desde el momento en que puse mis ojos en ti |
I miss you | Te echo de menos |
I need you | Te necesito |
I think about you all the time | Pienso en ti tod el tiempo |
I want to be with you forever | Quiero estar contigo para siempre |
I will be dreaming of you | Voy a soñar contigo |
I’m hopelessly in love with you | Estoy desesperadamente enamorado de ti |
I’m very fortunate to know you | Soy muy afortunado(a) de conocerte |
I’ve been thinking about you | He estado pensando en ti |
Kiss me | Bésame |
Love | El amor |
Love at first sight | Flechazo |
My dear | Cariño |
My first love | Mi primer amor |
My heart | Mi corazón |
My heaven | Mi cielo |
My love | Mi amor |
Shall we dance? | ¿Bailamos? |
Since I met you I do nothing else except think of you | Desde que te conocí no hago nada más que pensar en ti |
Sweetheart | Amado/Amante |
To fall in love with | Enamorarse |
True love | Amor verdadero |
Will you marry me? | ¿Te casarás conmigo? |
You are as beautiful as a flower | Eres tan linda como una flor |
You are beautiful (handsome) | Eres guapa (guapo) |
You are tdine | Eres tdina |
You are my prince | Tu eres mi príncipe |
You are my princess | Tu eres mi princesa |
You are spectacular | Eres espectacular |
You are the love of my life | Eres el amor de mi vida |
You are very pretty/lovely | Eres muy linda |
You drive me crazy | Me vuelves loco |
You enchant me | Me encantes |
Your smile is beautiful | Tu sonrisa es bonita |
You have a very beautiful smile | Tienes una sonrisa muy hermosa |
You make me happy | Me haces feliz |
You make me passionate | Me apasiones |
You smell good | Hueles rico |
You’re very sexy | Eres muy sexy |
Each hour that passes with you seems like a second | Cada hora que paso contigo me parece un segundo |
Take (very good) care of yourself | Cuidate mucho |
You have the prettiest eyes in the world | Tienes los ojos más bonitos del mundo |
You are the most wonderful person in the world | Eres la persona más maravillosa del mundo |
Would you like to be my boyfriend (girlfriend)? | ¿Quieres ser mi novio (novia)? |
Without your love the world doesn’t mean a thing | Sin tu amor la vida no vale la pena |
I love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow | Cada día te quiero más que ayer y menos que mañana |
I close my eyes and I imagine that you are close to me | Cierro mis ojos y te imagino junto a mi |
Apart from the information given to you in this article, you can read another LoveBondings article on how to say I love you in Spanish. Whether you use these beautiful phrases to seduce your wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend, or a potential someone, do say it with your whole heart and honesty. Love is something that shouldn’t be used or manipulated; it comes from the heart which is pure.