First big fight with your boyfriend and looking for cute ways to say sorry? Try to search for cool ideas to apologize to your boyfriend. Make something creative and unique which will spread warmth and love. Surprises and romantic gestures will soon melt his anger.
Erich Segal, in his book Love Story quoted, “Love means never having to say you are sorry.” However, there are times when things go wrong, when you screw up, and you must say sorry to your beloved. Along with what you say, what also makes a huge difference is how you say it.
Every relationship has its phases of highs and lows. So, did you have your first big fight and come storming back home with tears in your eyes? Do you feel like it is the end of everything and your boyfriend is at fault…or maybe not entirely? Are you regretting to have created a scene and of blaming your boyfriend for unnecessary things?Patching up and having to say you’re sorry is not really as difficult as it seems.
If you are truly in love and regret your act, there are many ways to say sorry to your boyfriend. An apology is an indication that you are embarrassed about the way you acted, and if he truly loves you, he is bound to let go of all the issues and embrace you with immense happiness.
Different Ways to Apologize
A bear hug should be the first thing on your agenda. A hug goes to show you care, and offers warmth and comfort in any relationship. A warm and tight hug would only help to melt away any feelings of anger towards you.
It will also go to show you really care and that you do not just say things without meaning them. Romantic gifts, or even better, personalized gifts will definitely help to ease the tense situation between the two of you. Put on your thinking cap to come up with some cool gift ideas that you know he will appreciate.
Make a cute book which is a compilation of all your fond memories together. You could stick pictures of the two of you and describe the events of each particular picture, telling him how much all those days spent together mean to you. To make the book more interesting, you can also draw or stick pictures of some of his favorite things.
When asked why do you love your guy, I’m sure you have a long list of answers. It’s time to put those answers down on paper. You can make a poster, with say 50 reasons describing why you love him. Even if your guy is not mushy, this one is bound to melt his heart immediately.
What is so special about a dinner you may ask! Well, I’m not talking about those usual dinners, instead something with a twist. If you are a good cook, you can invite him over and prepare his favorite dishes. Take this one step ahead on the romantic meter and light some candles and play his favorite songs. If cooking is not one of your strongest points, you can also take him out. This could be a place that holds a special meaning for you two.
This one is bound to be an absolute hit with any guy. You can look up the lyrics of your favorite song as a couple or a romantic song like Please forgive me, I Can’t Stop Loving You by Bryan Adams, and then sing this song for your beloved. Whether you think you can sing well or no, he will really appreciate your courage for trying. If singing is just not your thing, you can also write a poem or a love letter to him.
Look for a beautiful card or make one yourself with meaningful words, and give it to him personally. If you have a creative streak, you could also write the words yourself to say sorry. You can also look online for meaningful and sweet words to say sorry. Making a card will show that you have really made efforts and want to win back his love.
Tips to Remember While Saying Sorry
If even after trying these ideas, he still shows signs of aggression, you have to be patient and loving. Once he knows how you genuinely feel, he will forgive you for sure. Select a good time to apologize. Do not pick a time when he is busy with work or is loaded with personal problems. Make sure you select a time when he is alone and can listen to what you have to say or to go along with your plans.
Give him ample space. Let him express his anger, but avoid getting defensive. Any kind of argument would only worsen the situation. Try to understand what he is saying and his point of view. It is important that you hear him out first, and then genuinely apologize to him and say you are sorry. The moment he realizes you really mean it, his anger will surely reduce. Besides, you might even get a surprise when he apologizes to you for certain things he may have said!
Time is the best factor, and you only need to keep conveying the message that you care. With time, he will surely come back to you as he realizes how genuinely you feel about the same issue. With love and respect from your side, you are bound to make him realize the importance of the wonderful relationship you both share.