Women are difficult to read, but men are equally complicated creatures. The only thing is, both genders express their complex natures differently. Find out more about the same in this article.
Uncountable times, we have heard women stand up in unison and say, “Men will always be men, we know what they want.” If only they knew what we really want! Culturally and socially, men have been stereotyped to be ‘female hunters‘ or precisely, ‘sexual predators‘. While men fail to get the slightest idea of what women think, they themselves are no less complex and puzzling.
What Men Like in a Relationship
It seems that the idiosyncrasies of both genders is a necessity for their peaceful coexistence. All those women who have been patiently waiting to know ‘what men like in a woman’, read further to discover their minds. This article shall honestly tell you about what men really want. (Believe us! We men don’t lie always.)
Physical Intimacy
You needn’t frown, ladies! By physical intimacy, it frankly means kisses, hugs, and … sex. At times, we are obsessed with sex and sports (may be the genes are constituted such), and we may wish you’d look like the next Bond girl! However, this doesn’t mean we end up here. There is a lot more to men than what meets the eye. We do honestly wish to take sometime, and know our women. And, let’s not just pretend that it is only men who like sexually active partners. Even women do want it, though they may not be so vocal about it (or are they?).
We do cross the boundaries of lust, and we do have a craving to be really special for our special someone. Sharing and exploring finer dimensions of our girl’s personality, is what we really want to do. Physical bonding is just one of the many desires of men. We look for it, but we don’t run after it. We are much more deeper than the realms of that ‘physical’ word. There are various other reasons why men like women. Honestly, you have to believe us!
Before you grossly misjudge attractiveness to just one dimension of physical beauty, you ought to be aware that attractiveness is quite a relative concept, and can have different meanings for every man. While we don’t deny that a nicely chiseled, slim, and well-rounded figure, long hair, beautiful eyes, and stunning smiles can sweep us off our feet, those are not the only traits that can drive us crazy.
A woman’s elegance and confidence are often more important criteria for most men. A dressing sense that exudes sensuousness in a positive manner, has a huge appeal for us. More than being a blond, we want women to look beautiful in their own comfort zone. We love it if you dress up for us. Attractiveness can spring from the way you talk, from your sense of humor, behavior, and expressive prowess. We find a show-off nature in a woman extremely annoying. Being yourself is always the safest path for both, men and women, especially in a healthy relationships.
Some of the obvious things men love about women are not difficult to comprehend. A brightly lit face, with the tinge of a sweet smile, hair falling down to the shoulders, and a few enigmatic glances can leave us bewitched. We don’t like dumb women, and we appreciate a soft and sweet voice, instead of shrill, loud-mouthed females. We find you attractive when you are adventurous, and even if you are a prankster. We find attractiveness in those females around whom we feel comfortable. We don’t expect you to be perfect a 10; a little less is never a problem. After all, nobody is perfect.
No Nagging and No Bitching
Girls, we know that bitching is an integral part of your nature. Men, however, hate it. Seriously, we can never tolerate it. It sometimes goes beyond our logic to give some of our expert comments on your bitching topic(s), and hence, we remain silent, nodding our heads.
You can talk to your girlfriends, but when you come to us, don’t expend your energy again on the same topic. We can talk about soccer or ice hockey, but we can hardly digest serious bitching. Don’t think of us as insensitive beings; we are always ready to listen to you on any matter. Men admire women who don’t bitch to them. Aren’t there more beautiful topics to talk about?
Nagging is another repelling factor for men. Although we’re used to nagging by our mothers, we never want it to be done by you. Give us our due space and freedom! We will come back to you, at the end of the day. We love to be listened to, and cared for. When we’re around you, we really don’t get your gossips and discussions.
Trust, Love, and Care
Men appreciate sweet gestures that shower love upon them. We love it when you slowly whisper, “I love you, honey”, in our ears. You need to pamper us at least once in a while. Being treated like a kid sometimes does give us some sense of assurance and much-needed love. When you cook for us, we feel more than happy. We love when you shop for us, and when you reply to our calls and texts, be it in the midnight or wee hours of morning. We enjoy your surprises and crackling laughter.
No matter how free we act, deep down in our hearts, we do need a sense of security. At some stage, when our testosterone is balanced and wisdom takes over our recklessness, we do wish to be in a serious relationship. The feeling of security in a relationship does matter to us, and we want a woman who can build our trust, and make us believe that we can win the world (with some doses of ego feeding).
Occasional pampering helps us to make the seemingly impossible, possible. Sometimes, we get annoyed when you try to cut through our ego, and if you say we can’t do a certain thing. Someone who can accept a certain part of our craziness, and love us unconditionally (we do respond back with the same) is what we admire in women.
Mutual trust and understanding is the biggest need of every man who wishes to be in a committed relationship. So, in essence, we seek understanding partners who can shower us with abundant love, and we feel that only an understanding woman can give us that.
Chamber of Secrets
Often, women are like angels (something for you ladies to feel proud about). As a popular saying goes, “A woman can either make or break a man.” Certainly, they have something magical, some ‘chamber of secrets’, that can channelize a man’s energies from female-hunting or recklessness to a specific path. Not surprisingly, men often say that their wife or girlfriend is the best thing that has happened to them.
We agree that women make a significant contribution in our success, in our professional as well as personal lives. We may not show that we wish to be guided and possessed, but in our minds, we feel that belonging to someone is an amazing feeling. A partner to share our deepest desires, joys, and pleasures is what guys need.
No Infiltrators
Call it a male ego, but we don’t like you talking too much about your ex, or for that matter, any other guy. Many women will define it to be a manifestation of the male ego, jealousy, or even insecurity. The matter of fact is that we hate it. We don’t like talking too much about your past, so don’t assume that we are intolerant or insensitive. We are ready to listen to you. In fact, we love listening to you.
Even women won’t accept infidelity or any extramarital affairs. So, you’ve got to give it to us as well. Bonding and trust from a woman’s side is the most important quality that we look for. Hence, when someone tries to infiltrate the our-heart-zone-territory, we can, at times, be violent and break their head.
Relationships and marriage are a process of growing up with your partner. Besides growing old, one has to grow up with the partner, at every level. When a man really likes a woman, he experiences a different realm altogether. In this world, things move beyond the physical (sounds archaic, but it’s the ultimate truth), and his energies transcend ‘love’ to be more than a physical or emotional experience. However, this stage comes to different men at different ages. For some men, the happy realization, that his partner has been the best gift ever, comes late. For some lucky few, it comes early.
Those men get a sense of personal and spiritual satisfaction. Once attained and felt, this drives them from being egoistical and tough, to acting selflessly for their love. Unconditional love, that is what is experienced, surpassing all human limitations. At such a stage, they truly feel what Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry has beautifully expressed, “Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.”
Last but not the least, there is no fixed formula or standard, that can read a man’s mind and tell his thoughts about a lady. Depending on individual preferences, different men may like different attributes in women. So ladies, you needn’t worry! Just like you, we too are very confused souls. Who knows? The very next man you encounter could be exactly the opposite of what’s written here.