Being in love can dull our sanity to a great degree, as is evident by the cheesy nicknames we tend to give our partners. Angel eyes’, ‘Boo bear’, ‘Baby cake’, ‘Cup cake’… are some nicknames that girls come up with for their boyfriends. There are some really funny nicknames, like the ones mentioned earlier, while there can be others that sound really cute and romantic. It gives you a special feeling when you address your man with these names.
Disclaimer: Ladies, keeping the guys in mind, let’s not embarrass them in public by calling them ‘Mr. Monkey’ or ‘Poopsie’ in public. These are names that they are sure to love when you are alone.
Arnie | Angel Eyes | Angel of Mine | Apple of My Eye |
Amore | Ace | Adorable | Angel Heart |
Baby Boo | Babykins | Bear | Big Boy |
Bambi | Babushka | Buttercup | Beloved |
Chunky Bunny | Casanova | Cuddles | Champ |
Cowboy | Cupcake | Chocolate | Cherub |
Dream Boy | Dreamboat | Dumpling | Dearest |
Dove | Dunnoos | Dew Drop | Dashing |
E, F
Eye Candy | Egghead | Everything | Estoca (Sword in Spanish) |
Flame | Fruity | Frizzy | Fondue |
Giggles | Gorge | Gum Drop | Groovy Bear |
Googlehead | Goofy | Gem | Good Cash |
Heartthrob | Hunk | Hot Stuff | Hottie |
Honey | Huggable | Honeybunch | Hippo |
I, J
Iron Fist | Icepick Willie | Izzy | Jaan (dear in Hindi) |
Johnny Bunny | Jelly Bean | Jaaneman (special in Hindi) |
Jelly Bean |
K, L
Kiddo | King | Kitten | Kisses |
Lothario | Lovebird | Love Bug | Lover Boy |
Mister Cutie | Muffy | Muppet | My King |
Munchkin | Muggles | Momos | Monkey |
Num Nums | Number One | Niko | Noel |
Nato | Newy | Naughty | Nano |
O, P
Old Man | Other Half | One and Only | Ozzy |
Panda | Peanut | Puppy | Paramour |
Romeo | Rum rum | Raja (King in Hindi) | Rhubarb Candy |
Ray | Roddy | Rubber Duck | Rhino |
Soldier | Spark | Snuggle Bear | Sugar Lips |
Stud | Sniffer | Simba | Superman |
Tarzan | Tiger Toes | Treasure | True Love |
Tweety | Tagalong | Troy | Turtle |
U, W, Z
Uncle Upright | Wallie | Wonder Boy | Wolfie |
Winner | Zinger | Zane | Zoo Zoo |