Men reveal little about their feelings and emotions towards a woman, as they fear becoming vulnerable to the tide of emotions that love can bring. However, there are ways by which you can tell if a guy is serious about you or not, and all it takes is observing his words and gestures more carefully.
A woman’s psyche is popularly labeled as inscrutable. However, a man’s mind is equally difficult to understand, if not more or less. The element of seriousness in a relationship is a two way street. So, if you are thinking of taking your relationship to a new level of commitment, you need to know whether he feels the same way about it. Being on the same page and moving alongside each other in terms of thoughts and sentiments is important for relationship to grow. But if you are unable to figure out what he is thinking, then you need get a little observant. Watching his actions will tell you more than what words can say.
He’s a Man of his Word
How many times have you waited for his call, when he says ‘I’ll call you back’? If the answer is zero, then here’s a sign that needs to be noted. If time is not a luxury in his life and yet he makes an effort to squeeze a call, just to say a hello, it’s time you take the cue. He may talk incoherently about random things that don’t matter much, or the conversation might be a brief one. But, how does it matter, as along as he sticks to his promise? It really doesn’t. Calling you up frequently, returning your calls and sticking to his promises are the first signs that say he likes you. Now, the underlying reasons are; one, he wants to hear your voice and two, to gauge your interest in his activities. By tell you things about him, he is trying to make you a part of what he does and who he is.
No More Mind Games
When he says he’ll be going out with his friends, he tells you who they are. He is comfortable with the idea of making you a part of his social circle and encourages you to get to know his friends better. There is no pretext involved in going out or phone conversations with someone else. If he is talking to his ex-girlfriend, he tells you so in absolute honesty. When a man is being so transparent about his life, it is a sign that the mind games are over and the relationship you share is no longer casual. It means more to him than any other lie. His effort to be honest and open, is a definite sign that says he wants to be with you.
He Wants To Know
Asking him some questions such as ‘what is your favorite book?’ or ‘what are your dreams and ambitions?’ may not help you find out one’s truest emotions and deepest feelings. But if he being an active listener (most men are not) to your rantings, complaints, conversations you make with him and late night phone calls, then he genuinely wants to get to know you better. He wants to know the person you were, before you met him. Even if every silly detail of your life seems interesting to him, then understand that he is trying to derive a meaning.
Your Opinion is Valued
We women like men who are decisive in nature, but we also like it when a man asks for an opinion. So, if he asks you to accompany him to buy clothes, it’s only because he wants to know your opinion. If he asks you about your opinions while making big decisions such as picking a job, it shows that he values your thoughts and in more ways than one, your opinion has a certain influence on him.
Makes You Feel Special
If he makes sure that everyone around him knows that you are his steady girlfriend, then there is more to it than just dating. If his philandering ways have been replaced by faithfulness and fidelity, it is a sure shot sign that he’s serious about you. The relationship you share is exclusive and above anyone’s judgment. Also, if he has made it clear to his ex that he is with you, it’s only because he wants show his commitment. This is a huge move and he sure deserves appreciation.
Men are a little secretive about their feelings. So, if he hasn’t told you that he is serious about your relationship, then these are the signs that will tell you so. The fact that he is there for you always, despite the pressures of his job or anything else, is an indisputable notification of the fact that, you mean a lot to him. The answer lies in his behavior towards you. Watch him closely, and give him time to build a comfort zone, where he can be more open about the way he feels. Don’t forget that a man’s biggest fear is losing his woman. And it is this fear, that makes a man chose his words carefully.