Lying on the bed and thinking of some naughty text messages to send to your guy, it is not that easy to think of messages which would tempt him to engage in a long and flirty conversation over the phone. For women who are beginners in this department, this article can be quite helpful.
Flirting is fun when it is not monotonous; the same old ‘I miss you’, ‘You make me feel special’ and ‘Now I know that God send me in this world to love you’ becomes really boring after a point. Sure, these lines reflect the intensity of your love but it is not healthy to be serious all the time. Let your boyfriend or crush know the fun or wild side of you. You can show him how much you miss him with these flirty and funny messages.
Flirty Text Messages to Send to a Guy
There are so many benefits of sending naughty phone messages. For starters, they keep the excitement level in your relationship high and make conversations a little more interesting. There are some things which women find hard to say in person, in such instances text messages will say what you want to say.
You’re Attractive, Gorgeous, Intelligent, Smart, Charming, Sophisticated, Fit, Kind & Generous. In fact you’re becoming more like me everyday!
Last night I couldn’t sleep. I wanted you warm against my skin. I wanted you on me. I wanted 2 feel you all over my body … but I couldn’t find you! Where did I put my PAJAMAS?
How to impress a woman: hug + kiss her, compliment + love her, protect + listen + support her.
How to impress a man: Show up with beer!
What’s the quietest place in the world? The complaint department at the parachute packing plant
He came at night,
explored my body,
got on top of me,
touched me,
he bit, swaddled, when he was satisfied,
he left,
i was hurt,
I think I should tell you what people are saying behind your back…. Nice Back!!!
I want to touch your lips
taste your tongue
smell your breath… I love chocolate!
It goes in dry it comes out wet. The longer it’s in the stronger it gets. We can have it in bed just you and me…it is not what you think – it is a cup of tea!
There’s a can of whipped cream waiting for you by the bed. I’m your dessert tonight.
Want to see what I really want? Come over tonight.
Girl: Will you love me after marriage also?
Boy: This depends on your husband, if he allows me.
I want to taste you… wanna move my tongue all over you…wanna feel you in my mouth…yup, that is how you…eat an ice cream!
Mental anxiety,
Mental breakdowns,
Menstrual cramps,
Did you ever notice how all women problems begin with MEN!
Why was Phillips girlfriend annoyed?
Coz she found out that Phillips 24 inch was a TV.
Whatever you say, whatever you do, I will always love you!
Never make love in the garden or in the fields…… For love might be blind but your neighbors are not!
If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.
If love is a crime, lock me up, I’m guilty baby.
I know you’re busy today, but can you add one thing to your to-do list? Me.
Sending such naughty text messages can help improve verbal communication between you and your guy and it can also keep things heated up till the time you see each other in person. Keep these messages short and sweet, don’t try to write a paragraph in a text message.