Just a beep is all it will take. You could write a beautiful text to him, and when you see him smiling, I bet he would sideline all his worries and tensions, just to kiss you. Times may be hard, things may not always go as per you want, but just an assurance, whatever way you show it, is enough. After all, he cannot do without you, and you cannot do without him, can you?
A hard day, when nothing works out. Just doesn’t. When the television is on, and the football match is going to meet its winners in a few minutes, you see him lost somewhere else. When the coffee, once hot, has stopped crying out loud to get consumed… you know something has wrong. He’s upset about something. Something that has stolen that smile off his face.
Now, we girls know that men don’t cry. Not in any case. However low they are. Know what? Some words is all you need. Some cute things to say that will lighten his mood. Some words of respite, of intimacy, of love and making him feel that you’re standing by him, no matter what. Let him know that he’s never going to fight the adversities alone.
These words may sound too dramatized if you say them in person. But then, that’s what cell phones are made for. Some texts to make him smile is everything you need.
Heart-melting Texts to Send to Your Boyfriend
Do you like waking up to an ‘sms’ that says ‘Good Morning Sunshine’, right when you open your eyes? Or sleep reading a few words as a text from his side like ‘Nothing’s as beautiful as watching you sleep’. I do. Certainly do. Now, is your time to do the same. Here’s a compilation of some of the most beautiful text messages to send to your boyfriend when hardships have taken over.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.
Someone asked me, “So, why do you like him so much?” But before I could even reply; my best friend put her hand over my mouth and said: “Don’t even get her started”!
My love, you know you are my best friend. You know that I’d do anything for you, and my love, let nothing come between us. My love for you is strong and true.
Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.
I laugh, I love, I hope, I try, I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know you do the same things too, So we’re really not that different, me and you.
Of all the smiles you received today, there was a smile you didn’t see. A smile not from the lips, but straight from the heart – a smile that came from me.
It’s been said that you only truly fall in love once, but I don’t believe it. Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.
Have a go at these messages, customize them in your own creative way, your boyfriend speechless, and you’ll see him smiling. There are plenty of beautiful texts to send to him. If you’re craving for more, the following cluster of words is all yours.
Funny Texts That Will Make Him Smile
Don’t worsen it. Instead, lighten it. It’ll take just a few funny texts for him to burst out into laughter, leaving all the anxiety behind. The moment he smiles, wrap your arms around him, and tell him how special he is. Time to make him laugh with some funny texts. Make him read the following, and let him know that the sender loves him just too much.
What’s the difference between a boyfriend and a husband? About 30 pounds.
So, you think we women can’t take a gag? Well, didn’t we prove it just by being with you? (A perfect text post a fight!)
If men got pregnant, there would be safe, reliable methods of birth control. They’d be inexpensive, too.
Men: Either they do nothing right, and even when they do, they won’t do it again! (Haha…)
Let’s do something special on your birthday, darling! How about me tying you in the bedroom for straight four hours, and watch everything I ever wanted to watch on TV? (If he can take healthy humor, you better text this one to him!)
I wouldn’t call him a slave. I don’t whip him when he does something wrong. Just when he does something good.
You know your smile makes me go crazy. Do you know that my favorite color is Yellow? (Erm… okay!)